Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Hawaiian-Themed Father-Daughter Dance

While fathers and daughters from all over the neighbourhood lived it up with pizza, ice-cream and a pineapple on each table (just to give the school hall a Hawaiian ambiance), poor ol' mothers everywhere had to sit around at home and feel left out. Here's some photos:

Emily, Mark and Lauren before the dance
Emily, Mark and Lauren before the dance
Lauren has a piggy-back ride with her friend
Lauren has a piggy-back ride with her friend

Emily enjoys a quiet drink
Emily enjoys a quiet drink
Emily enjoys a drink
Emily enjoys another quiet drink (or is it the same one?)

Some nutter managed to gatecrash
Some nutter managed to gatecrash
Lauren and friend
Lauren and her friend


A great time was had by all (except, of course, Mum).


Anonymous said...

Q enjoyed the photos, particularly of the nutter. That was almost the pigface of yore...

One of the differences between British and American culture is this Father-daughter thing. Disneyworld ran some dubbed adverts a few years back, urging fathers to take their daughters to their theme parks. It was rather creepy, as the voices used did not match the British family dynamic, which is much more outwardly reserved. Not surprised you felt a little left out Vi; it's the way Marge is often treated in the Simpsons!

Lorraine said...

Cute photos. I don't mind father-daughter events; probably because I'm usually the one at school all the time so it's nice to get a break.

Viola said...

I don't really mind at all. I'm a bit forlorn while they're out, but I'm happy for them to have a lovely time together. The girls loved it.