Thursday, September 14, 2006


TransAmerica is another excellent film that we watched recently. It is a road-movie about a transexual whose operation is imminent discovering that she's a father and having to travel across America with her son.

The film stars Felicity Huffman. Even though I've seen her in other things (mainly Desperate Housewives) and even though I know full well that she's a woman, she plays the part so well that I am convinced that she is a pre-op transexual.

I thought that it was a good portrayal of a transexual waiting for an operation, but as I've only ever known one person who has changed sex, I wondered what the "transexual community" might have thought of the film, so I did a little googling. I couldn't find that many transexual people who had seen it or anything that was particularly quotable, but generally those who had seen it seemed to like it. Let me know if you think differently.

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